We are excited to announce the launch of the Yi-Large model from 01.AI, now available via the Fireworks AI API. This partnership brings together the high performance of 01.AI’s latest Yi-Large model with the trusted and reliable infrastructure of Fireworks AI, creating a powerful tool for developers looking to integrate advanced AI capabilities into their applications.


The Yi-Large model is a smart choice for small enterprises and start-ups that balances exceptional performance with cost efficiency. The model’s superior natural language understanding and generation capabilities, combined with its multilingual support across major languages, make it an ideal solution for a wide range of use cases.

What is Yi-Large

Yi-Large is the latest state-of-the-art dense model from the Yi series of LLMs by 01.AI. Designed to push the boundaries of what’s possible in natural language processing, Yi-Large boasts impressive advancements over its predecessors. It excels in language understanding, common sense reasoning, reading comprehension, and mathematics—making it a versatile tool for various applications.

Why Yi-Large

Outstanding Performance

Yi-Large offers significant improvements in performance metrics, especially in complex inference, prediction, and natural language understanding capabilities. It outperforms many of the leading LLMs in industry benchmarks.


LMSYS Chatbot Arena “Overall” ranking, data as of May 21, 2024

Multilingual Support

One of Yi-Large’s standout features is its ability to handle multiple languages proficiently. It performs exceptionally well on multilingual benchmarks, including Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, German, and French validated by LMSYS Chatbot Arena open votes, making it an excellent choice for building global applications.


LMSYS Chatbot Arena “Chinese” ranking, data as of May 21, 2024

For more languages, visit LMSYS Chatbot Arena Leaderboard and select “Category” drop-down

Superior Accuracy

Yi-Large has been fine-tuned to deliver high accuracy across various tasks. From generating coherent and context-appropriate text to understanding intricate queries, Yi-Large sets a new standard in LLM performance.

Cost Efficiency

Yi-Large is a fraction of the cost of similar models while maintaining uncompromised high performance. Yi-Large outperforms leading models such as GPT-4 and Claude3-Opus in key benchmark scores at a much more accessible price point.

Technical Overview

Model Architecture

Yi-Large is built on an advanced transformer-based architecture designed specifically for natural language processing tasks. This architecture has been modified to ensure high performance and efficiency, especially when handling large amounts of data.

Training Dataset and Methodology

Yi-Large is trained on an extensive and diverse multilingual dataset, including text in languages such as English, Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese, among others. This dataset was meticulously curated to ensure high-quality training data and has enabled Yi-Large to achieve exceptional performance metrics across multiple languages and domains.

Context Length and Input/Output Formats

Yi-Large accepts text inputs and generates both text and code outputs. It can process and comprehend larger bodies of text with an extended context length of 32K tokens.

Infrastructure Support

To support the development and deployment of Yi-Large, 01.AI has developed an infrastructure that covers the entire model lifecycle. This includes cross-cloud elastic task scheduling, automatic failure recovery, and topology-aware resource allocation. These features enable efficient and reliable operation, ensuring smooth pre-training, fine-tuning, and serving of the model. Additionally, 01.AI has pioneered successful FP8 training using NVIDIA’s Transformer Engine, further enhancing performance and efficiency.

Use Cases

Yi-Large offers a variety of applications across a spectrum of industries, equipping developers with the power to solve complex problems without worrying about the limitations of a subpar LLM. Let’s take a look at some use cases where Yi-Large excels.

Knowledge Search and Query

Yi-Large’s advanced language understanding capabilities make it an ideal tool for knowledge search and query applications. Whether users are looking for specific information in a large dataset or seeking answers to complex questions, Yi-Large delivers accurate and relevant results in real time.

Data Classification

Yi-Large simplifies the process of data classification by ensuring precise data labeling with high consistency. With Yi-Large’s advanced language understanding capabilities, organizations can effectively classify and categorize large volumes of unstructured data without the need for extensive manual oversight.

Human-like Chatbots

Yi-Large’s human-like text generation capability makes it ideal for crafting chatbots that engage in natural, fluid conversations. By customizing responses based on user interactions, Yi-Large enhances the chatbot’s ability to personalize conversations, providing users with an immersive and highly tailored experience.

Customer Service

Yi-Large accurately follows user instructions, defining preferred reply formats and standards. Leveraging its robust multilingual capabilities, Yi-Large enables users to provide customer service to clients worldwide, significantly increasing satisfaction rates.

What’s Next

Yi-Large from 01.AI, now available through the Fireworks AI API, represents a significant advancement in the field of natural language processing. Its exceptional performance, multilingual capabilities, enhanced accuracy, and cost efficiency make it a powerful tool for developers building AI-driven solutions in their industries. Stay tuned for our Yi-Large long context and Yi-Large LoRA coming soon to the Fireworks AI platform.

The launch of Yi-Large has been met with enthusiasm and positive feedback from the developer community since our journey with Yi open-source models. Early adopters have praised its performance, multilingual capabilities, accuracy, and cost efficiency.

Community involvement is crucial for the continued improvement and success of Yi-Large. We invite developers to explore the capabilities of Yi-Large and integrate them into their projects. For additional support and resources, visit our documentation and join our Discord channel. We look forward to your feedback and experiences to help us continue refining and enhancing the model.

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